The landmark, dedicated to the 364 festivalgoers who were murdered by Hamas, attracts over 7,000 visitors a day
By Ellie Grant
By Tom Wilson
Extreme rhetoric is excused with claims that it was taken out of context
‘We weren’t prepared to go down without a fight’ says Heidi Bachram and Adam Ma’anit, the organisers behind many of the city’s hostage campaigns
By Daniel Ben-David
Author Lord Roberts compared those who minimise Hamas’s atrocities to Holocaust deniers
By Lorin Bell-Cross
JW3 held a shiva for Oded Lifschitz, where hundreds of visitors offered condolences to his daughter, Sharone, and family
By Gaby Wine
MP Alex Davies-Jones was speaking at a Jewish Women’s Aid event
Ariel Bibas, four, was a huge Batman fan
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By Dov Forman
Time and time again in our history we have moved from destruction to renewal
The Purim party was scheduled to take place some nine miles from the border with Egypt over the weekend
By Akiva van Koningsveld
‘Diversity and inclusion departments still think that Jews don’t count’
By Siam Goorwich
Last night’s Oscars prove once again that Holocaust films are a sure-fire awards winner
‘I’m sorry you came back in a coffin’ says sister of Tsahi Idan
By Jane Prinsley
‘Far too many civilians died asking where is the IDF?’
Being skunk sprayed, followed and called ‘Zio’ are just par for the course
Foreign affairs official Mousa Abu Marzouk told the New York Times that the group was willing to negotiate over its armaments
Participants will visit the Druze community in the north and spend a night in Tel Aviv, hearing stories from medics and citizens rebuilding their lives post-war
By Imogen Garfinkel